We are dedicated to providing dentistry in a professional and comfortable atmosphere.  We operate on the basic principles of professionalism and quality of care, and strongly believe that patient education plays a large role in long term treatment outcome.  

Even as health providers, we believe in sharing our knowledge with you about your most important asset:  your health.  Please join us in our mission in establishing great relationships with you and your family.

F A M I L Y  &  C O S M E T I C  D E N T I S T R Y

P R O F E S S I O N A L I S M  I N  A  F R I E N D L Y  A T M O S P H E R E




We have moved our office to a professional building less than one mile from our previous location.

Our new address is:

7420 Greenhaven Dr., #120

Sacramento, CA 95831